Executive Search and Recruitment Newcastle: Top Headhunters and Recruiters Newcastle

Newcastle Recruiters

Crafting Newcastle's Leadership Future with Precision Headhunting


Our Executive Recruitment Services In Newcastle

Newcastle is the wealthiest coal port in Australia, having revived its early links across the North Sea and towns in England. Besides its thriving coal industry, Newcastle is a significant service and financial center. The city’s economy is strong and diverse, which means companies need highly skilled professionals capable of navigating rising challenges to help the business achieve its goals.

As a leading executive search, Keller assists businesses in various industries in finding the right talent to join their executive or leadership team. Our team of recruitment experts aims to connect clients to talents who can give them an advantage in a competitive market.

Our Process


At Keller, we believe your success is our success. As such, we ensure that each placement we make not only fills an open role but also connects clients to candidates who can take their companies to greater heights and help them achieve their business goals and needs. To do this, we meet with our clients, their human resources team and any relevant stakeholders to determine their hiring requirements for the role, their expectations from the candidates, and all potential challenges the new leaders may face.

Using our deeper insights into our client’s company, we begin creating a search strategy and mapping out candidates. Our approach to executive search allows us to reach even talents who may otherwise be difficult to find.

Each qualified candidate we find during our search goes through a rigorous screening and assessment process where we perform extensive background, criminal, and reference checks to ensure their fit.

Our Expertise


Keller specializes in filling open leadership roles for companies and organizations in a wide range of industries. This includes:

  • Mining and Resources
  • Healthcare and Medical Services
  • Education and Research Institutions
  • Tourism and Hospitality
  • Port and Maritime Services
  • Manufacturing and Industrial
  • Real Estate and Property Development
  • Construction and Infrastructure
  • Renewable Energy and Utilities
  • Professional Services and Consulting
  • Retail and Consumer Goods
  • Agriculture and Agribusiness
  • Technology and Innovation
  • Financial Services and Banking
  • Arts, Culture, and Entertainment

Our team of headhunters are experts at sourcing the best talents for executive-level and senior-level positions in Newcastle. These positions include but are not limited to:

  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
  • Chief Operating Officer (COO)
  • Chief Information Officer (CIO)
  • Chief Technology Officer (CTO)
  • Chief Marketing Officer (CMO)
  • Director of Business Development
  • Director of Human Resources
  • General Manager
  • Vice President of Operations
  • Chief Medical Officer (CMO) – for healthcare institutions
  • Dean or Provost – for educational institutions
  • Director of Supply Chain Management
  • Chief Legal Officer/General Counsel
  • Senior Project Manager

Why Choose Keller for Executive Hunting in Newcastle?

Is it Employee's or Employees' Plural and Possessive Forms

When you partner with Keller, you are partnering with a team of professional executive recruiters with vast experience in filling roles for clients in various industries. Our expertise allows us to quickly assess candidates without compromising the quality of the performance.

Additionally, we have access to an extensive network of professionals who may meet or exceed the client’s hiring requirements. Our network also allows us to gain recommendations and referrals from candidates who are looking for new leadership opportunities.

Keller is committed to providing clients with the best talent. To do so, we also assess candidates for other more intricate factors beyond their skills and track record, including their work ethics, motivational drivers, management style, and cultural alignment.

A big part of what makes our searches successful is our dedication to diversity and inclusion in the search process. All candidates will be assessed and treated fairly, without any biases in relation to their age, belief, ethnicity, and gender.

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