Recruiters and Headhunters Detroit: Executive Search, Recruitment, and Staffing Services Michigan

Recruiters and Headhunters Detroit

Driving Success in Motor City: Detroit's Leading Executive Search Firm


Our Executive Search Services in Detroit, Michigan

Detroit, MI, is renowned for being the epicenter of the North American automotive industry. It is home to the headquarters of the country’s three largest motor vehicle manufacturers: Ford, General Motors, and Stellantis North America.

In addition to the automotive industry, the city is heavily involved in advanced manufacturing, including machinery and technology-driven manufacturing processes. Transportation and logistics are also important economic sectors due to the city’s geographic location and industrial base.

Keller is a leading retained executive search firm in Detroit, delivering outstanding executive search services to large and small companies looking to acquire skilled professionals for their teams.

Part of what makes our company so successful is our attention to detail when serving our clients. Essentially, we tailor our staffing solutions to cater to our clients’ human resources needs. This sets us apart from other executive recruitment firms.

We also provide additional services besides recruiting elite talent, including but not limited to leadership coaching, business transformation, and succession planning.

Our Recruiting and Headhunting Process


Our Services

Our expert team of recruiters recognizes that staffing needs differ among businesses, making a one-size-fits-all approach ineffective. From this perspective, we have developed a flexible recruitment strategy, customizable to meet the unique requirements of our clients, ensuring the ideal match for each role. Our success stems from our in-depth understanding of specific functions and sectors, a vast network of exceptional talent, and the use of advanced recruitment technologies to identify the most suitable candidates.

Our Process

The recruitment process begins with a meeting between our executive recruiters and the key stakeholders at our client’s company to determine the qualities we need to look for in a prospective candidate. We also define the requirements of the role, the candidate’s duties, salary range, and any additional perks or details related to the position. Once these parameters have been established, our Detroit headhunters can begin scouting the market for exceptional candidates.

During our search, we meticulously screen and evaluate each applicant to determine whether they align with our client’s requirements. Those who fill the bill are then shortlisted and referred to our clients for further evaluation.

Our Detroit Headhunters and Recruiters Expertise

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Keller has garnered a reputation as one of the best recruitment firms in the world for our consistently high quality services and candidates.

Industries We Serve

Keller has extensive experience staffing roles for companies spanning various sectors in and around suburban Detroit, including:

  • Advanced Manufacturing
  • Automotive
  • Finance and Insurance
  • Healthcare and Life Sciences
  • Information Technology
  • Logistics and Transportation
  • Retail
  • Tourism

Roles We Fill

We are an executive recruiting firm that is capable of sourcing top-tier candidates for jobs across every employment level, from senior executives to entry-level associates and everything in between:

  • Chief Human Resources Officer (CHRO)
  • Chief Information Officer (CIO)
  • Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
  • Chief Executive Officer (CEO)
  • Chief Operating Officer (COO)
  • Accountant
  • Automotive Engineer
  • Data Analyst
  • Environmental Engineer
  • Financial Analyst
  • Graphic Designer
  • Logistics Coordinator
  • Manufacturing Engineer
  • Marketing Manager
  • Software Developer

Why Choose Keller for Executive Recruitment in Detroit, Michigan?


Keller has an established track record with hands-on experience providing the high-caliber professional services expected from a staffing agency in the Detroit area. Our success is rooted in a holistic approach to recruiting that leverages a thorough understanding of specific sectors and functions and a diverse candidate pool. This pool not only comprises active job seekers but also includes professionals who are open to new opportunities, even if they are not actively seeking a career change.

Our commitment extends to ensuring diversity and inclusion prevail throughout the executive search process, ensuring fair and equal treatment for every candidate applying for a role. This approach is integral to our modus operandi.

Lastly, we understand the impact that hiring the right professional can have on a company’s overall performance. As such, we meticulously assess each candidate, going beyond their skills to evaluate their personality, work ethic, and career aspirations. This comprehensive evaluation ensures that we find candidates who are not only skilled but also align well with your team’s dynamics and goals.

Frequently Asked Questions


What is Executive Search and Recruitment?

At Keller, we are set apart from other firms through our specialization in executive search and recruitment. This nice dedicates itself to placing candidates in senior positions, specifically. This includes managerial and C-level candidates.

What Locations Does Keller Recruit For?

Keller boasts a global presence that lets clients from around the globe enjoy our wealth of services.

What Roles Does Keller Place?

As mentioned, Keller specializes in placing top-level candidates. This includes positions such as CEOs, CFOs, COOs, Senior Managers, General Managers, Directors, and Managing Directors.

What Happens if Keller Cannot Fill the Role?

At Keller, we commit ourselves to finding your ideal candidate. Our team of recruitment experts make use of a tailored search process which aligns with your specific requirements. We guarantee candidates who excel in their new workplace and boost your success, hand-selected through a comprehensive executive search.

Keller also offers the option of providing a replacement should the newly hired candidate not meet expectations within the first three months of employment.

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